At Studio Waldbach, we love to experiment and discover. Design for us is visual communication, not limited to one discipline. It is about both aesthetics and technology. So we code, we draw, we build, we test… and play, explore. Welcome to the small, but diverse world of Studio Waldbach!

After a brief career as a photographer, I turned to my true passion, early in the year 2000. Graphic design and visual communication in the broader sense, had always fascinated me from an early age. My first gig was a website for an author, with very basic web design tools and technology, from there on I knew this would be for me, as it fueled my drive to explore and learn more. Have I stopped learning? No way! I keep learning and that’s what keeps it interesting for me!
So, what do we offer?
Websites are making a comeback in 2025! We deliver anything from a basic brochure site to a feature-rich webshop or booking site, all bespoke and well-designed, of course!
We’re also pretty proficient on the technical side of things! Offering website maintenance contracts and performance & security audits and so much more!
From a great logo to kickstart your business adventure with, to a complete visual identity dressing your growing enterprise, Studio Waldbach delivers!
Anything for which we can make shapes and typography look brilliant, whether it’s for print or screen. You name it, a business card, a book, a social media eye-catcher?
Ok, we’ll admit we do not create hyperrealistic architecture impressions, but, for relatively basic motion graphics and 3D design, Studio Waldbach is here for you!
What they say about us
A selection of projects will be added soon.
Some of the great commissioners we worked for
Via our own studio and external agencies
Frans Meulenberg, Erasmus Universiteit, VPRO, Joodse Omroep, Blazhoffski, Rijkswaterstaat, PZC, Gemeente Middelburg, Vleeshal, William Verstraeten, Bløf, De Hobbyisten, Willem III Kazerne, Zorgstroom, ING Group, autoRAI, Apple, De Architect, Gemeente Amsterdam, Levy Productions, Tempo Team, UNIT4, Elsevier Group and many others…
Studio Waldbach pricing
Elevated design sensibilities within your budgetary constraints
Here you will find an indication of our pricing. Please note that we offer our introductory conversation free of charge. We usually offer our pricing on a per-project-basis, and only extra billable hours will strictly follow our hourly rates. We also offer attractive rates for not-for-profits and good causes we align with.
Hourly rate — Enterprise € 76,00
For companies and organizations with 50 employees or more
Hourly rate — Small business € 60,00
For companies and organisations with 2 to 49 employees
Hourly rate — Freelance € 50,00
For self-employed professionals without employees
Travel Expense — per km. € 0,23
Car, public transport or bicycle. Within The Netherlands. Valid through 2025.
Travel Expense — International € --,--
Please request a quote.
Travel Duration Cost — p. hour € 20,00
First half hour is free of charge. If roundtrip is less than 1 hour, no travel duration costs will be charged.